Monday, June 12, 2023

Brendon Lee O'Connell Patreon June 13, 2023

 192. CIA Case Officer Admits Mossad Mean & Nasty - Boo Hoo

This is the perfect example of the madness of the current news cycles. A hero of “the cliché left leaning latte sippers” of Washington (John Kiriakou), gives an inciteful and even amusing recounting of the arrogance of Israeli intelligence. Along the way, John, despite his amazing connections and analyst background, cannot even tell you that Israel is a “cyber technology juggernaught”. After taking that in, people like John Kiraikou cannot then tell you in their numerous speeches WHAT that means for the National Security state…as in…total fu**ing disaster.

These latte sipping cliché lefty feel good clowns from Georgetown (it rymes!), bleat on about human rights and how mean Israel is to “brown people” (aka semites), and nothing seems to change. Fancy that? 70 years of bleating on about “human rights” and the dissatisfied, sacked CIA employees, just cannot seem to explain the most basic in geo-politics that you and I get in a fu**ing Google News Alert. Are you sick of this yet?

Despite the extreme disappointment in the conga line of “experts”, wringing their sensitive feel good hands at guilt ridden retired DC state department audience gatherings, John Kiraikou’s chat is nonetheless instructive. Despite being given extreme deference and accommodation, Mossad in Israel, torment American targets because, “they can”. I have experienced all of this, and worse. Kay Griggs told us what else they get up to in the United States.

Of course, this is total suicide in the long run for the Israeli state, and former Mossad Case Officer Viktor Ovstrosky stated emphatically, that Mossad was not unified, and multiple ideological groups fought for dominance – just as multiple ideological groups fight for dominance of the I.C in America.

So, who are these “groups”? Groups that exhibit an EXTREME hatred for the United States and Americans? I mean, why do they so often bight the hand that feeds them? Maybe the people that dominate the higher echelons of Israeli politics, high technology, universities and finance have a deep, teeth grinding, hatred for the United States?

Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country

Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany

Why Russia Needs Israel

Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America

An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel

Do you think the fact a huge number of Russians from the old Soviet system – and new Soviet system under Putin – are now running Israel, might have something to do with the arrogance and hatred for the United states? I mean, they have literally committed suicide, hardly furthering the Zionist cause when you think about it - and I urge you to think about it.

From the very birth of this colonial state, it’s original colonials and settlers were hard core Bolsheviks, keen to sing the praises of The Son Of The Nations Stalin.

'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died

“Incredible as it might seem, Stalin’s Soviet Union was once at the center of Israeli identity.”
In fact, it is of interest to recall - incredible as it may seem - that Stalin's Soviet Union was once at the center of Israeli identity. In the first Knesset, the left-wing Mapam (United Workers Party ) was the second-largest faction, with 19 seats. During the debate over the makeup of the government that was held in the Knesset on March 10, 1949, one of Mapam's two leaders, Ya'akov Hazan of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek, said: "For us, the Soviet Union is the fortress of world socialism, it is our second homeland, the socialist one." That comment could go down as one of the 10 most-quoted sentences in the history of Israeli politics.
"I was not happy when Hazan voiced that sentiment," wrote Meir Ya'ari, Mapam's senior leader, a year later, although he went on to describe the People's Republic of China as "a dictatorship that safeguards democracy there," adding: "This is the doctrine we have been nurturing for decades."
They were not the only ones harboring such sentiments, of course. David Ben-Gurion returned in 1923 from a visit to the Soviet Union and declared: "I am a Bolshevik." Moreover, many of this country's early inhabitants were Russian-born. They spoke Russian, read books and sang songs in Russian, and thought and dreamed in Russian.

The above article was from March 8, 2013. Have you ever seen the article pushed anywhere? I was one of the first to make a video around it, “Barbarians Inside The Gates”. 2018. I could not finish it. I had no money. Patreon would not work. I was being hacked continually. 

A white nationalist "kid" named 'Matthew North' took the video and tried to complete it. He went on to make an excellent video on Putin and Netanyahu. He committed suicide not to long later. He exposed many of the lies of one Adam Green. 

Matthew North also knew Joseph Davies well. The nephew of Fred Smith, Skull & Bones. Tapped twice for Secretary of Defense and close friend of George W. Bush.

KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel’s Army, Business, and Political Leadership

Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk

Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon

The socialist/Bolshevik Labor Party of Israel was sure to let people know, if Jews will not ascend to Israel, they would make sure to terrorize them in their home countries until they knew what was best for them. Think about this every time you see some well publicized Jewish kid playing nazi.

“I shall not be ashamed to confess that if I had the power, as I have the will, I would select a score of efficient young men – intelligent, decent, devoted to our ideal and burning with desire to help redeem Jews – and I would send them to the countries where Jews are absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction. The task of these young men would be to disguise themselves as non-Jews, and plague these Jews with anti-Semitic slogans, such as ‘Bloody Jew,’ ‘Jews go to Palestine,’ and similar ‘intimacies’. I can vouch that the results in terms of considerable immigration to Israel from these countries, would be ten thousand times larger than the results brought by thousands of emissaries who have been, for decades, preaching to deaf ears.”
Editor ‘Sharun’
Editorial article in official newspaper of the governing Labour Party – “Davar”, Israel – July 11, 1952

Israel was and is, has always been, a Bolshevik Rothschild, Rockefeller founded and operated state. As surely as The Soviet Union was founded in 1917, so too the Bolsheviks poured into Palestine and New York. America is as occupied as Palestine and Gaza. As the song goes, from the great Leonard Cohen - first we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.

Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan (Official Video)

They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For tryin' to change the system from within
I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'm guided by a signal in the heavens
I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'd really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station?
I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those

Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you're worried that I just might win
You know the way to stop me, but you don't have the discipline
How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I don't like your fashion business, mister
And I don't like these drugs that keep you thin
I don't like what happened to my sister
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'd really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station?
I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those
And I thank you for those items that you sent me
The monkey and the plywood violin
I practiced every night, now I'm ready
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

(I am guided)
Ah remember me, I used to live for music (baby)
Remember me, I brought your groceries in (ooh baby yeah)
Well it's Father's Day and everybody's wounded (baby)
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

Whats the song about? (Thanks Leoni Rose)…

Cohen explained himself in a backstage interview at 1988:[4] "I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song. I think it's a response to terrorism. There's something about terrorism that I've always admired. The fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always very attractive. I don't like it when it's manifested on the physical plane – I don't really enjoy the terrorist activities – but Psychic Terrorism. I remember there was a great poem by Irving Layton that I once read, I'll give you a paraphrase of it. It was 'well, you guys blow up an occasional airline and kill a few children here and there', he says. 'But our terrorists, Jesus, Freud, Marx, Einstein. The whole world is still quaking.'"

Do you think the “well meaning” British efforts to create a small Jewish enclave in Palestine, were hijacked by a small group of hard core Soviet Bolsheviks? Funded and coddled by a parasitic internationalist banking and financial class in London, New York and Berne Switzerland?

How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel

“A document uncovered by The Daily Beast shows that Soviet mole Kim Philby was hampering his British intelligence colleagues in their efforts to defeat the Zionist movement.”
“In recently declassified documents at the British National Archives at Kew in West London, the MI6 mole was deliberately disrupting the work of Sir Gyles and his colleagues who were left to chase faked or utterly implausible plots while very real and very deadly terror attacks took shape.”

Does that sound familiar? Fake and implausible plots? Being run in circles while the real terror attacks (911) were free to run unmolested?

“By that summer of 1946, Britain was struggling to hold onto a crumbling empire. Just a year later, it would at last relinquish India, “the jewel in the crown.” And its grip on Palestine, mandated after World War I, had become much more a curse than a blessing as Jews, mostly immigrated from Europe, struggled to establish an independent homeland, and Arabs marshalled their forces to prevent them.”
“All that gave the Russians enormous opportunities to inflict pain on those who would, in Churchill’s words, “defend freedom and democracy” from “the indefinite expansion of [Soviet] power and doctrines.”
“And Moscow could not have had a more perfect tool to weaken the British defenses than its man in London, MI6 section head and Russian mole H.A.R. “Kim” Philby, perhaps the most effective, and certainly the most legendary penetration agent in the annals of espionage.”

This parasite has infected every country, every intelligence outlet (including Mossad and KGB), every organized crime group, every think tank, every Round Table Group, every university, every police database, every military industrial contractor, every level of society and is currently in it’s final run for power. But it is not going so well for the Commies In Suits of The Frankfurt School. Is it Heinz?

My friend and mentor was Bernard Tandy. British Para. Enlisted January 1944. Was in command of the personal body guard of the Para Regimental Commander in Palestine. 1945-1947. This was at the height of the Stern and Irgun Gangs assassination program.

Bernard would recount how boat loads of European Jewish refugee’s from the Displaced Persons camps poured ashore on the beaches of Gaza. They were ordered to detain them, search for arms, and march them back to camps for deportation back to the rubble of Europe. Bernard told me they felt so sorry for them they would “accidentally” drop their weapons and make noise so they would know they were lying in wait for the groups. In return for numerous acts of kindness, British soldiers were routinely shot, gutted, mutilated, booby trapped, hung in tree’s. 

Finally, Stalin and The Bolsheviks won, and the British Empire went home.

If “The British” were “running things”, in a “perfect union” with Lord Jacob and those 13 Elite families of Europe, why could they not maintain their Empire and keep “good order” in Palestine as required under The Balfour Declaration you can see Bi Bi and Lord Jacob admiring with friends below…

Simple question?

If the “conspiracy” was so ordered, so cunning, so all encompassing, why have they still not formed The Federated States of Greater Israel? It was meant to be formed by the late 1930’s under Ben Gurion while Hitler mastered The United States of Europe (now called the EU), Stalin north Asia, Mao south Asia. The vast Eurasian land mass under the control of employees of The East India Trading Company. Forming large trading and military blocks. A most perfect Eurasian Economic Union. Oh look…just like this one…

Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone

After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal ‘in the near future’

Now you know why US elites are in Ukraine, why weapons are being poured in, and why two US bases will be placed their permanently. Scott Ritter, Colonel MacGregor, Ron Unz and the perpetual money whore Ryan Dawson, will not be explaining this to you, ever. Neither will Whitney Webb, James Corbett and Ryan Cristhian of The Last American Vagabond.

The Peristroika Deception was never more true and Anatoli Golytzin was right. So was James Angleton, despite his glaring short falls and so was JFK, despite his glaring shortfalls. James Angleton’s dedicated tree planting area in Israel is a rubbish tip by the way.

So, I will end how I always end, Israel, Germany, Russia and China and Iran, acting as sub agents of The East India Trading Company, were making the final push of the Central Banking Cartel to get US elites into line and create a new multi polar world order.

The demoralization and subversion of the United States continues. The constant Israeli and Russia and Chinese use of trolls and bots and paid hacks. They are losing. And freedom will win from the grip of the Central Banking Cartel, but only if we do not go back to UBI, Smart City, Israeli food rationing app sleep…and people like John Kiraikou tell the fu**ing truth.

The Unlikely Origins of Russia’s Manifest Destiny

How an obscure academic and a marginalized philosopher captured the minds of the Kremlin and helped forge the new Russian nationalism.

Does the above image look so far fetched now?

First we take down Manhattan, then we take The Bunting Cloverleaf hub.


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