Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Bertrand Russell and Peter Kreeft On Marx

"To understand Marx psychologically, one should use the following dictionary: 

Yahweh = Dialectical Materialism
The Messiah = Marx
The Elect = The Proletariat
The Church = The Communist Party
The Second Coming = The Revolution
The Millennium = The Communist Commonwealth
Hell = Punishment of the Capitalists

The terms on the left give the emotional content of the terms on the right, and it is this emotional content, familiar to those who have had a Christian or a Jewish upbringing, that makes Marx's eschatology credible. A similar dictionary could be made for the Nazis, but their conceptions are more purely Old Testament and less Christian than those of Marx, and their Messiah is more analogous to the Maccabees than to Christ."

—Bertrand Russell, A History of Western Philosophy, Chapter IV, Saint Augustine's Philosophy and Theology, p. 363

"Just as Marx took over the forms and the spirit of his religious heritage, but not the content, he did the same with his Hegelian philosophical heritage, transforming Hegel's philosophy of "dialectical idealism" into "dialectical materialism!" "Marx stood Hegel on his head," the saying goes. Marx inherited seven radical ideas from Hegel:" 

---Peter Kreeft, The Pillars of Unbelief, Marx. http://www.peterkreeft.com/topics-more/pillars_marx.htm


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