Thursday, January 16, 2020

Catholics Using 'Anti-Semitism' Label

Dawn will grow out of it. "Anti-semitism" is too great a confluence of identity/power markers to give up easily. Those without religion especially need it for identity very much (was largely created/promoted during 1960s cultural revolution and for cold war/liberal power purposes) The decaying establishment it now controls need it as shibboleth, especially the Israel-Military industrial complex-AIPAC.

ADL/SPLC call every man and his dog an 'anti-Semite'. By diminishing returns, as everywhere, it evaporates into nowhere. Public WWII historical awareness dissolves. Now of course it really does exist of course, Islam for example has divine warrant (Quran is understood as divine dictation, the uncreated Word of God, a mocking equivalent of Jesus) to nurture real anti-Jew beliefs. Socialists-Communists-Secularists as brother voluntarists (RegensburgLecture) don't like nationality and religion and certainly not Israel's nation-state-law. Israel has banned Soros and his NGO's. It offends their claim to a true global universalism a PC brotherhood of man, (really the rule of transcendent money: communists:capitalists believe "man lives by bread alone")

ADL and certain Catholics of Jewish decent refuse to distinguish because the conflation is politically very rewarding in our context.

Today Jews (In US 95% Eastern European descent labor furiously for every anti-majoritarian anti-home policy possible whether social/economic. Tribal/clannish, naturally. A seemingly happy side effect is importation of Islam in mass immigration generates pretext for more central Power.

Now that too many notice the con,  a war of words against 'whites' using blood libels and 'white supremacy' to delegitimise democratic concern has begun. This is monstous. Those who profit from the industrial complex are also printing money and looting nation-states worldwide, co-incident with genocidal mass immigration/population replacement/election of a new people (who will not be able to hold them to account). Their furious anti-white racism projection tracks their lawlessness and guilt.

Well intentioned citizens of Jewish decent come into political conversations in this territory half-way and half-informed, and from the script given to them since a Dawn Eden. Now in a sorry self-righteous state. What she ought to be doing is notice how vile it is to call US citizens and descendents of US WWII soldiers ... Nazis/anti-Semites like the worst of ADL/SPLC do. She should notice how vile it is to call fellow Catholics, who pray to the Queen of Heaven and are steeped in Old Covenant, and who with the Holy Spirit have vouchesafed the community of the first covenant in Europe and the US for millenia. Against Marcion-types, pogroms, and latterly brutal totalitarianism of immanent religion. Bolshevism (which was majority lead by Jews) *really was* gunning for Germany/Europe and created, in reaction,  a mirror image totalitarianism-Nazism) And it was *they* who did not tolerate God's revelation/God's people either first or new covenant.

We are together now under a global-liberal-and-beleaguered anti-religious establishment eager to spread its Antiochus Epiphanes wings. Jews are mindlessly at key nodes in US establishment positions overseeing this. Banks, hollywood, civil service, universities etc. Their racist justification for their power, 'white supremacism' is so transparently bad news for Jews that if we had any proportion and charity whatsoever, would make pains to name and resist.  It is a tragedy that Jewish self-preserving ethnocentrism, which leads to worldly success and industriousness now requires figments and golems that are engines of the vile racism, they claim to be against.

We should by helping Jews who understand this mechanism. Dawn is quickly expending all the good will she has generated, puts her faith at risk, and at the least should remain silent rather than fling absurd charges of 'anti-semitism' at her Catholic brothers and sisters. And certainly not scrape the bottom of the barrel trying to recruit other Jews into her wedge politics in self-justification. Very ugly.


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