Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Islam and the Left, Not Strange Bedfellows


Pakistani former Muslim, Sabina James.

“Islam is not compatible with democracy and freedom of expression. That was understood in Europe, and thus you separated the church from the state. This caused Europe to continue its development while the Arabic / Muslim world is still stuck in the 7th century,” says Sabatina James.

“Because the Muslim world is ruled by holy books, it will never get anywhere, she believes. It is impossible to create a healthy society with rational individuals, when the moral idol is a 7th century warlord. An idol who even took a 9-year-old girl as his wife, and considered it his absolute, holy duty to kill ‘infidels’. ‘It might have been acceptable in the 7th century, but as it remains a demand to view Mohammed as the perfect human being – which lots of Muslims do – then it doesn’t work,’ says Sabatina James.”

Part of an interview with her is also worth sharing here:

In the Western world, the left used to fight for a secular society and was entirely opposed to religion. Nowadays they work with Islamists to introduce more Islam into society. What do you think causes this?

“My only explanation for this would be that it’s due to a minority complex. When the left has determined that a group constitutes a minority, it is constantly ‘exposed’. Minorities are considered flawless, everything they do wrong is considered to result from oppression by the majority.”

She concludes: “The Muslims are actually right, Westerners do not believe in anything. The lack of faith is making us weak, as individuals and as a society. We still have freedom of expression, but if it dies, all other human rights will disappear. Do not ever forget that.”


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