Monday, July 27, 2015

Protection Rackets and Planned Parenthood

"The late Sam Francis, of Chronicles magazine, used to say that the American government had come to have the structure of a protection racket. It took me long enough to see it, but I think he was right, and I think that this attempt to go after the whistleblowers bears it out. How DARE they expose the squalor of Planned Parenthood, protected darling of the government? How DARE they!
A protection racket works like this. You pay the "protector" dearly for the privilege of staying in business, not being messed around with, AND having your less well-connected or less dishonest rivals run down. You are allowed to complain publicly about high taxes and regulations, just so long as the Godfather knows that it's just a role in a stage act.

Now, a protection racket will break down, NOT if it is exposed as playing hardball with businesses, as lying before Congress, as making promises in bad faith in order to crush somebody who is annoying. That stuff is also part of the game, and people know it. The racket breaks down if it can no longer provide the protection, OR if it is made to seem squalid, ridiculous -- "small." Planned Predators has been exposed as squalid and stupid, and Planned Predators are like Johnny Fontaine in the Godfather movies. Johnny Fontaine may be an idiot, but the Godfather has to step in to promote his flagging career, lest the Godfather lose face. The Godfather doesn't mind appearing like a tyrant. He cannot appear like a clown, or a derelict. He is fine if he excites fear. He must never excite contempt." Anthony Esolen


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