Sunday, June 21, 2015

'Tyranny of Liberalism' - Progressivism

James Kalb ‘The Tyranny of Liberalism’

“The progressive view appeals to those who gain from central bureaucratic rule. These include the academically credentialed; social scientists and other “experts”; lawyers, especially judges, legal scholars and leaders of the elite bar; elite journalists, whose importance increases as more things are treated as national public policy issues; and religious leaders who identify with national elites and want to be respectable, comfortable, and also prophetic. They also include those with an uneasy relationship to the dominant traditional and informal institutions bureaucratic rule supplants-- unmarried persons, artists, and also homosexuals and others unable or unwilling to live in accordance with traditional moral standards.

Progressivism increases the size and importance of the classes that support it. For example, it multiplies the power and numbers of “experts,” whose position depends on bureaucratized rule.”


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