Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Denaturing of Marriage for Markets and Ruling Class

Manufacturing plant is not flexible, desire is, best and brightest employed to advertise and shape desire/consumption. Plutocracy demands a certain kind of consumer/human being and flexible desire has become an economic imperative. Frugality and no TV wonderfully 'permissive' rule under our harsh economic/wage slave discipline. 

Natural for those on top of heap to want to exercise their Will/Desire, excuses easily found, mass-man easily manipulated. 'Yes' 'equals' legalisation of a potent political irrationalism; open-ended desire detached from any substantive meaning apart from desire of the biggest wills. $-state Power and attendant court functionaries.

Limits like full reserve banking, morality bound to human nature, family, place, tradition, Revelation are chafing to transcendent $ as ordering political principle. Bureaucratic superstructures exist to legally crack open/free people from these natural protections under teaching of metaphysical 'equal freedom'. Communities don't then exist in a vacuum but are administered by now massive central government.

"This is fascinating. Starting at https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=m2rTHDOuUBw [26:16min.] 48 percent of Lesbian reported attraction to men in the past year. and 40 percent of gay men reported attraction to women in the past year. 26 percent of lesbians reported wanting to have sex with a man and 20 perent of gay men wanted to have sex with a woman (and 12 percent of gay men had sex with a woman). Lisa Diamond reporting results of her Salt Lake City study. (not a random sample)." Maggie Gallagher


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