Saturday, April 06, 2024

Alfred Owen Crozier 'US Money vs Corporation Currency' (1912) Chapter 14 'The Slavery of Debt'

 This is human slavery; slavery of the toiling millions to the usurers, their masters. The interest burden is the lash that forever goads and drives. It is worse than the "black-snake" because it is constantly plyed night as well as daytime. It never stops. It is constant as the flight of time. It is as merciless as fate.

The one object of ordinary involuntary servitude is to get the fruit of other's toil without paying for it. That is the object of interest slavery. The old way was individual, debt enslaves the race wholesale. In ordinary slavery the master is obligated to feed, clothe and preserve the life and health of his human asset. It pays him to do so. The invisible foreign masters who profit from the grinding system of slavery through debt acknowledge no responsibility for the welfare, health or even the lives of their victims. The driven men, women and children all must shift for themselves; they must hustle or starve and die. Ordinary slavery could know just who was responsible for its wrongs, abuses. It could appeal in the name of humanity to the masters direct. As time goes on and the human burden is steadily increased by multiplication of national, state, county, city and district debts, and the seas of corporate debts are funded into oceans of interest bearing gold bonds, and interest rates are compounded and advanced throughout the world, humanity can only feel the pinch as it groans and staggers under the cumulating load. It never can know just how the mysterious game is worked or just who tightens down the screws. It is all so easy, simple, subtle. But it is real, very real, terrible. The pressure is applied on every living soul at the cradle and ends only at the grave. Every child is born with a mortgage on its back that dooms it to life-long toil. Unborn generations are mortgaged into involuntary, life-long, helpless debt slavery years before the Almighty breathes into them the breath of life. Their immortal souls are predestined by the universal debt system to be coined into additional dollars to gratify the insatiable greed and avarice and profit-lust of tine usurers.

This is not a new or original system. It is the identical plan always in use in the red-light district of any large city. White slavery would be impossible but for the system of debt slavery that holds the unhappy daughters of the race in its sharp and merciless talons. It is the common practice of every dive keeper cleverly to plunge every new girl quickly into such hopeless debt under one pretext or another that she never can get the debt paid and escape until the deadly pace and life of shame robs her at last of good looks and healthy if not of life, then she is kicked out to shift for herself, or die, or become a permanent burden on the community as an object of charity. The great money changers of the world, the few big ones, who really dominate in the finances of all countries, those who shape international monetary systems and policies, have borrowed this simple but effective device from the slums. They are rapidly applying it to the successful and permanent enslavement of the entire human race, white, black, brown, red and yellow, male and female, adults and children, in a universal bondage of hopeless debt

Warning to American Jews. .

Author has no prejudice against the Jewish race. Some of his best friends are Hebrews, He greatly admires many racial traits, the marvellous history of that people and its triumph over obstacles and adverse environment in various countries during the past two thousand years.

And author earnestly hopes that American civilization may ever proceed on the original plan, the Gentile and Jew, protestant and catholic, all enjoying equally and impartially liberty of conscience and equality of opportunity.

But right now action is being taken by certain powerful leaders of the Hebrew race that may start in free America that dreaded European cry "Down with the Jews!" In the hope of helping to avoid the establishing of conditions here that may become for the Hebrew race as unhappy and intolerable as in other countries, even Russia, this word of warning to the Jews is sounded.

Rothschild was a Jew. His descendants comprise the four great banking houses of that name in Europe—in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. In 1863 the wealth of this one family was conservatively estimated at $3,200,000,-000, over three billions of dollars. This huge total compounded during the past fifty years and increased by incidental investments in mines, timber and many other things, may now amount to fifty or one hundred billions.