Tuesday, January 07, 2025

An Integralist Reading of Apocalypse XI:1-10 The Two Witnesses


An Integralist Reading of Apocalypse XI:1-10

by Fr Thomas Crean O.P.

I will give unto my two witnesses, and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred sixty days, clothed in sackcloth.  These are the two olive trees, and the two candlesticks, that stand before the Lord of the earth.

Who are these two witnesses?  Many Catholics down the centuries have assumed them to be Enoch and Elias.  We find this identification already in St Hippolytus, who was born around AD 170, in his work Antichrist.  St Andrew of Caesarea, writing in AD 611, says that “many of the doctors” have understood them in this way.  A thousand years later, Cornelius à Lapide reports that this was the dominant opinion in his time.

That Elias will indeed appear again, whether to be seen by many or by few, is suggested by Ecclesiasticus 48:10, and seems certain from our Lord’s words in St Matthew 17: Elias shall come and restore all things.  That Enoch will appear is suggested at least by the Vulgate rendering of Ecclesiasticus 44:16, and supported by the belief of many saints.  St Robert Bellarmine even held that it was either heretical or close to heresy to deny that these two would appear again one day in their own persons (Controversy on the Roman Pontiff, book 3, ch. 6).  But this does not mean that the two witnesses mentioned in Apocalypse 11 must be exclusively so identified.

In the third century, St Victorinus thought that one of these two witnesses might be Eliseus, or else Jeremiah.  St Hilary and St Ambrose mention Moses.  St Bede, in his commentary on the Apocalypse, takes them as typical figures, suggesting that they are the two races, that is the Jews and Gentiles, or else the two testaments.  Joachim of Fiore took them to be priests and monks.  Cornelius, as well as recording the common belief of his time, recounts a large number of other opinions that have been held by Catholics: that they are teachers and preachers; or the great wisdom and holiness of the early Church; or Christ and St John the Baptist; or Pope St Silverius and St Mennas of Constantinople, twin opponents of Monophysism; or saints Dominic and Francis; or even the Dominicans and the Jesuits!

Probably, like other symbols in the Apocalypse, this one is intended by its divine author to be polyvalent, that is, realised in many ways.  But it may still have a primary sense; and what it evokes above all is a vision of Zacharias in the Old Testament.  An angel showed this prophet two olive trees, one on either side of a seven-branched golden candlestick: And I answered and said to him: What are these two olive trees upon the right side of the candlestick, and upon the left side thereof?  []  And he said: These are the two sons of oil who stand before the Lord of the whole earth (Zach. 4:11, 14).

In Zachariah’s time, the two ‘sons of oil’, or anointed ones, were the high priest Joshua and the prince Zorobabel.  They were the two olive trees that stood before the Lord of the whole earth.  Given the unity of Holy Scripture, as a single utterance of God, it is natural to suppose that the two olive trees that stand before the Lord of the earth in St John’s vision continue this symbolical meaning, and hence that the high priest and prince of the old covenant foreshadow a high priest and prince of the new.  Not, in this case, our Lord Himself: Apoc. 11:8 explicitly distinguishes these two witnesses from their crucified Lord.  Shall we say, with the Ignatius Study Bible, that “they represent the twofold mission of the Church to be a royal and priestly witness to the gospel”?  That is not quite satisfying.  As Newman remarks in his Letter to Pusey, Scripture does not love abstractions.  These two figures surely represent something more concrete than “a mission to be a witness”. 

At the very least, they represent some definite offices manned by identifiable persons; or, which comes to much the same thing, they represent the persons by whom these offices are successively filled.  They are, therefore, the series of anointed persons who bear spiritual and temporal power in the new covenant: Catholic bishops and Catholic princes, and at the apex of the symbolism, the pope and the Christian emperor in their conjoined witness to the word of God.  The pope corresponds to the type of Joshua, highest of the priests of the earth, while the Roman emperor corresponds to Zorobabel, since from the time of Constantine’s conversion the emperor was the highest temporal prince within God’s people.

This identification is confirmed by the contrast of these two witnesses with the two beasts of Apocalypse 13.  These latter evoke the perversion of temporal and spiritual power.  The seven-headed beast from the sea represents seven successive empires that use temporal power to persecute God’s people, culminating in the person and empire of antichrist.  The sea in Scripture is a common image for the nations.  The beast that rises up out of the earth represents those who use the spiritual power in service of this first beast, and probably one such ‘false prophet’ above all others.  The land in Scripture is a common image for the Church.

The supposition that the two witnesses are Enoch and Elias has led some commentators to mistake what St John says of their work.  He does not say that their task is to confront the antichrist come in person; they do their ‘prophesying’ freely, before the beast arrives on the scene:

If any man will hurt them, fire shall come out of their mouths, and shall devour their enemies. And if any man will hurt them, in this manner must he be slain.  These have power to shut heaven, that it rain not in the days of their prophecy: and they have power over waters to turn them into blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues as often as they will.

Why are the pope and the emperor said to prophesy?  To prophesy is to declare and uphold the word of God.  In the divine plan, the pope, where possible united with his brother bishops, declares the contents of revelation, and the emperor, where possible united with his brother rulers, expels false Christians from the temporal community.  The edicts by which they do this, guaranteed by the Holy Ghost, are the fire that comes from their mouths to destroy their enemies.  St John repeats himself here, saying that this must be: Scripture thus insists on the Church’s need of a coercive power, since this is something that men have been repeatedly tempted to deny.

Not only can the two witnesses bring destructive fire from heaven, but they can also prevent life-giving water from falling to the earth.  Water, in Scripture, is often an image for the grace of the Holy Spirit, as we are told in the gospel of St John: The water that I give him shall become in him a fountain of water, springing up into life everlasting (Jn. 4:14); Out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.  Now this he said of the Spirit (Jn. 7:38-39).  The apostolic hierarchy can impose excommunications, suspensions and interdicts upon unworthy Christians, so that they lose the right to receive the sacraments, and the temporal power can enforce this verdict.  What if these sinners attempt to receive sacramental grace nonetheless?  They will find that the waters turn into blood, since by their presumption they call down judgement upon themselves.  And since neither of the two witnesses has an earthly superior in his own sphere, who might limit his exercise of power or choice of means, they are said to strike with all plagues as often as they will.

They do their work for twelve hundred and sixty days, which is paradoxically equivalent to the period for which the woman is in exile in the desert: a time, times, and half a time (Apoc. 12:14).  The first way of speaking suggests continuance in activity, the second, endurance.  The Church exercises the plenitude of her powers whilst also being a suffering exile on earth.

When they shall have finished their testimony, the beast, that ascendeth out of the abyss, shall make war against them, and shall overcome them, and kill them. And their bodies shall lie in the streets of the great city, which is called spiritually, Sodom and Egypt, where their Lord also was crucified.  And they of the tribes, and peoples, and tongues, and nations, shall see their bodies for three days and a half: and they shall not suffer their bodies to be laid in sepulchres. 

This passage might seem to refute my interpretation.  Granted that the Roman emperor is no more, whether we see the final one as passing away in 1453 or 1806 or even 1922 with the death of Blessed Charles of Austria, the papacy continues to the end: “Jesus Christ appointed Peter to be that head of the Church; and He also determined that the authority instituted in perpetuity for the salvation of all should be inherited by His successors” (Leo XIII, Satis cognitum).  But we need to look closely at what St John wrote.  The Vulgate, and most modern versions, speak of the bodies of the two witnesses lying in the great city.  St John, however, uses a singular noun in verse 8: πτῶμα (ptōma), meaning ‘that which has fallen, a (dead) body, corpse, ruin’.  The body of the two witnesses will be in the street.  He does the same in the first half of verse 9: people from the various tribes and nations will see their body for three days and a half.  Only in the second half of this verse does he use the plural: they shall not allow their bodies to be buried.

One commentator notes this use of the singular, and writes that “the two fallen in one cause are considered as one.”  But this is not quite enough to explain it.  We do not talk of two bodies as one simply because they are the bodies of two friends or allies.  Rather, what has been destroyed is precisely the unity of the spiritual and temporal power, and supremely, of the pope and emperor.  It is not just that they had one cause, defending the same principles, but that their power to devour their enemies lay in this union.  The teaching of the pope was effective to repress heresy when it was upheld by the emperor and other Catholic rulers; and these rulers in turn acted as prophets, bearers of the word of God, only insofar as they kept themselves and their realms united to the see of Rome.  But the beast has waged a lengthy war against this unity, and now the corpse of Christendom lies plainly on the street.

This great city, I presume, is none other than the city of man, formed inevitably in every age by the con-spiratio of all who love themselves even to the point of contempt of God, thus crucifying Him.  The street, singular, again, in the Greek, comes from a word meaning ‘broad’ and perhaps suggests the world’s broad-mindedness and tolerance for everything but the word of God.  This city is spiritually Sodom and Egypt, because when Christendom is no more, sexual deviance and injustice multiply, and God’s people are oppressed. 

In what sense do they of the tribes and peoples and tongues and nations not allow these bodies to be put into a tomb?  This signifies dishonour; those made powerful by the overthrow of Christendom wish its corpse to remain visible for their own greater glory.  Hence the elaboration and maintenance of a black legend from the Reformation and the Enlightenment to our own day, of which one small but telling part is the use of ‘mediaeval’ to mean simply ‘bad’.  And since it is the papacy and Catholic rulers not only in their union but also separately whom this legend execrates, while the body has fallen, it is the bodies that are left on display.

Why for three days and a half?  This evokes a prophecy of Daniel: in the half of the week, the victim and the sacrifice shall fail: and there shall be in the temple the abomination of desolation.  When the last echo of the voice of the two witness shall have fallen silent, the suppression of the Church’s sacrifice and the time of the antichrist will be at hand.   Meanwhile, an apparently fraternal world order of ‘united nations’ comes into being:

And they that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry: and shall send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented them that dwelt upon the earth.

Yet it is not to last:

And after three days and a half, the spirit of life from God entered into them. And they stood upon their feet, and great fear fell upon them that saw them.

Monday, August 19, 2024

Aristotle 'The Politics', oligarchy-tyranny and the middle class

              In all states therefore there exist three divisions of the state, the very rich, the very poor, and thirdly those who are between the two. Since then it is admitted that what is moderate or in the middle is best, it is manifest that the middle amount of all of the good things of fortune is the best amount to possess. For this degree of wealth is the readiest to obey reason, whereas for a person who is exceedingly beautiful or strong or nobly born or rich, or the opposite—exceedingly poor or weak or of very mean station, it is difficult to follow the bidding of reason; for the former turn more to insolence and grand wickedness, and the latter overmuch to malice and petty wickedness, and the motive of all wrongdoing is either insolence or malice. And moreover the middle class are the least inclined to shun office and to covet office,1 and both these tendencies are injurious to states. And in addition to these points, those who have an excess of fortune's goods, strength, wealth, friends and the like, are not willing to be governed and do not know how to be (and they have acquired this quality even in their boyhood from their homelife, which was so luxurious that they have not got used to submitting to authority even in school), while those who are excessively in need of these things are too humble. Hence the latter class do not know how to govern but know how to submit to government of a servile kind, while the former class do not know how to submit to any government, and only know how to govern in the manner of a master. The result is a state consisting of slaves and masters, not of free men, and of one class envious and another contemptuous of their fellows. This condition of affairs is very far removed from friendliness, and from political partnership—for friendliness is an element of partnership, since men are not willing to be partners with their enemies even on a journey. But surely the ideal of the state is to consist as much as possible of persons that are equal and alike, and this similarity is most found in the middle classes; therefore the middle-class state will necessarily be best constituted in respect of those elements of which we say that the state is by nature composed. And also this class of citizens have the greatest security in the states; for they do not themselves covet other men's goods as do the poor, nor do the other classes covet their substance as the poor covet that of the rich; and because they are neither plotted against nor plotting they live free from danger. Because of this it was a good prayer of Phocylides— “ In many things the middle have the best;

Be mine a middle station.

” It is clear therefore also that the political community administered by the middle class is the best, and that it is possible for those states to be well governed that are of the kind in which the middle class is numerous, and preferably stronger than both the other two classes, or at all events than one of them, for by throwing in its weight it sways the balance and prevents the opposite extremes from coming into existence. Hence it is the greatest good fortune if the men that have political power possess a moderate and sufficient substance,” 

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Alfred Owen Crozier 1912: Rothschild banks and war

 Alfred Owen Crozier ‘US Money v Corporation Currency’ [1912] h/t John Titus; h/t zerohedge

But right now action is being taken by certain powerful leaders of the Hebrew race that may start in free America that dreaded European cry "Down with the Jews!" In the hope of helping to avoid the establishing of conditions here that may become for the Hebrew race as unhappy and intolerable as in other countries, even Russia, this word of warning to the Jews is sounded.

Rothschild [Mayer Amschel, great-grandfather of Alfred, architect of The Aldrich Plan later The Federal Reserve Act] was a Jew. His descendants comprise the four great banking houses of that name in Europe—in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. In 1863 the wealth of this one family was conservatively estimated at $3,200,000,000, over three billions of dollars. This huge total compounded during the past fifty years and increased by incidental investments in mines, timber and many other things, may now amount to fifty or one hundred billions. No one outside knows the amount. With alliances controlled by this family it surely directly or indirectly controls a large portion of all government bonds and at least one-third of the world's estimated total wealth of $377,000,000,000.

But suppose the Rothschilds themselves only own $39,000,000,000, an amount equal to the bonded debt of all the governments of the world, with an annual income of $2,300,000,000 or two-thirds what their total wealth was in 1863. Any change either way in these figures will be a variation only in degree. In no way does it materially change the acknowledged potent fact that in all great national and international monetary and financial affairs the Rothschilds always play the ruling hand. They possess masterful genius and financial intellect. But it is the sheer weight of liquid or ready wealth held in such large quantity that all the nations of the world must go to the Rothschilds for financial assistance in time of peace, or before they can go to war whatever the provocation or emergency, that gives them supreme power in the world's affairs. No war can be waged without money, and no large nation can get adequate money to finance a war from any one but the Rothschilds. Therefore it is reasonable to assume that whenever any war is begun the Rothschilds have consented thereto. They may finance both sides, because it is immaterial whether the interest profits they crave come from one or both countries. In fact the war furnishes an excuse recognized as legitimate for charging both nations higher interest rates not only on the new debts but on old obligations maturing and being refunded. Increase to 4 per cent from 3 per cent is a 25 per cent increase in the total income and in the value of bonds, measured by their earning power.

It is known, of course, that after the nations have fought for a while and murdered tens of thousands and wounded and permanently maimed hundreds of thousands of human beings on both sides, pressure exerted by other governments instigated by the financiers will force a quick compromise, leaving the nations both in approximately the same condition as before except that each has vastly increased its debt and the annual interest burden on its people while the financiers have gotten rid of accumulated capital in exchange for high interest gold bonds that cannot be paid for perhaps thirty or fifty years. This surely is the result if not the deliberate plan. Then again, the debt of the principal European countries has been doubled or vastly increased during the long period of "armed peace."

Frequent rumors of war or warlike preparations each year have been ping-ponged back and forth between the countries in the public press. These have tended to excite popular fear, hate and patriotism and cause the people to consent and even to urge the governments to swell vastly the mortgage burden upon the peoples for funds to increase and equip still larger standing armies and to build greater and more expensive navies. By withdrawing millions of men. into armies and idleness it reduces production and the earning power of the people, increases the burden on those employed, and makes it more certain that existing bonds will not be paid but will be refunded and increased. Why not have bigger armies, navies, forts, guns, idleness of millions of soldiers, rumors of war or even occasional war, when such things are so fruitful, so necessary to cause the issuance of more bonds to provide profitable investment for the $5,000,000,000 of excess income derived yearly from interest paid on existing issues of gold bonds?

Saturday, April 06, 2024

Alfred Owen Crozier 'US Money vs Corporation Currency' (1912) Chapter 14 'The Slavery of Debt'

 This is human slavery; slavery of the toiling millions to the usurers, their masters. The interest burden is the lash that forever goads and drives. It is worse than the "black-snake" because it is constantly plyed night as well as daytime. It never stops. It is constant as the flight of time. It is as merciless as fate.

The one object of ordinary involuntary servitude is to get the fruit of other's toil without paying for it. That is the object of interest slavery. The old way was individual, debt enslaves the race wholesale. In ordinary slavery the master is obligated to feed, clothe and preserve the life and health of his human asset. It pays him to do so. The invisible foreign masters who profit from the grinding system of slavery through debt acknowledge no responsibility for the welfare, health or even the lives of their victims. The driven men, women and children all must shift for themselves; they must hustle or starve and die. Ordinary slavery could know just who was responsible for its wrongs, abuses. It could appeal in the name of humanity to the masters direct. As time goes on and the human burden is steadily increased by multiplication of national, state, county, city and district debts, and the seas of corporate debts are funded into oceans of interest bearing gold bonds, and interest rates are compounded and advanced throughout the world, humanity can only feel the pinch as it groans and staggers under the cumulating load. It never can know just how the mysterious game is worked or just who tightens down the screws. It is all so easy, simple, subtle. But it is real, very real, terrible. The pressure is applied on every living soul at the cradle and ends only at the grave. Every child is born with a mortgage on its back that dooms it to life-long toil. Unborn generations are mortgaged into involuntary, life-long, helpless debt slavery years before the Almighty breathes into them the breath of life. Their immortal souls are predestined by the universal debt system to be coined into additional dollars to gratify the insatiable greed and avarice and profit-lust of tine usurers.

This is not a new or original system. It is the identical plan always in use in the red-light district of any large city. White slavery would be impossible but for the system of debt slavery that holds the unhappy daughters of the race in its sharp and merciless talons. It is the common practice of every dive keeper cleverly to plunge every new girl quickly into such hopeless debt under one pretext or another that she never can get the debt paid and escape until the deadly pace and life of shame robs her at last of good looks and healthy if not of life, then she is kicked out to shift for herself, or die, or become a permanent burden on the community as an object of charity. The great money changers of the world, the few big ones, who really dominate in the finances of all countries, those who shape international monetary systems and policies, have borrowed this simple but effective device from the slums. They are rapidly applying it to the successful and permanent enslavement of the entire human race, white, black, brown, red and yellow, male and female, adults and children, in a universal bondage of hopeless debt

Warning to American Jews. .

Author has no prejudice against the Jewish race. Some of his best friends are Hebrews, He greatly admires many racial traits, the marvellous history of that people and its triumph over obstacles and adverse environment in various countries during the past two thousand years.

And author earnestly hopes that American civilization may ever proceed on the original plan, the Gentile and Jew, protestant and catholic, all enjoying equally and impartially liberty of conscience and equality of opportunity.

But right now action is being taken by certain powerful leaders of the Hebrew race that may start in free America that dreaded European cry "Down with the Jews!" In the hope of helping to avoid the establishing of conditions here that may become for the Hebrew race as unhappy and intolerable as in other countries, even Russia, this word of warning to the Jews is sounded.

Rothschild was a Jew. His descendants comprise the four great banking houses of that name in Europe—in London, Paris, Berlin and Vienna. In 1863 the wealth of this one family was conservatively estimated at $3,200,000,-000, over three billions of dollars. This huge total compounded during the past fifty years and increased by incidental investments in mines, timber and many other things, may now amount to fifty or one hundred billions. 

Sunday, January 07, 2024

Potency, Act, Relation, 'The Cause of Causes: First in Intention Last in Actuality'


There can be no causality without potency, because an effect is something received, and reception is potency- for it is the ability to have some thing, say heat or color. Now insofar as something is potential to heat or color, then that same thing is it fulfillment, completion, and perfection, and so there is no causality without perfection either. The perfection, then, causes the potency to be exactly what it is, even before that same perfection is actually received materially. This requires the perfection to be present in a non-material way. 

Take a seed from an orange. There is a real ability in it to become an orange tree, and so there is something in it that exists only in relation to a tree. On the one hand, if one of the terms of a relation does not exist, the the relation must be only in the mind; and on the other hand this relation is really present within the seed, making it to have the real power that it has to become another. And so the innermost nature of things is a certain participation in mind- even the nature of our own mind is a certain participation in mind. This participation in mind is precisely what makes causality possible, and it therefore allows for an exposition of causes, or science. This argument- whether one agrees with it or not-concludes to the possibility of science.We have concluded, cleaned up shop, and gone home before any of the metrical sciences even set down a unit to measure with.  

Tuesday, August 08, 2023

Robert Nisbet Introduction to Hilaire Belloc's 'The Servile State'


Robert A. Nisbet on "The Servile State"

The eminent American sociologist Robert Nisbet (1913 – 1996) wrote an insightful introduction to Belloc’s The Servile State (Liberty Fund, Inc. publication). Here are some brief excerpts from the introduction:

“SOME readers of this book may, by virtue of their own definition of “capitalism,” take umbrage at Belloc’s indictment of it, but they should understand that Belloc’s great was the widest possible distribution in a population of individual, private property, and the freedom to use this property as its owner saw fit. Some would define capitalism with its free with its free market in precisely these terms; but, as I have noted, for Belloc capitalism denoted first the kind of monopolistic expropriations that went with the Tudor kings and second the growth of large-scale, corporate, property-aggregating industry, which with its conversion of so many individuals into a propertyless condition left them wide open to the advances of collectivism and the servile state. But if Belloc disliked the capitalism of his time, he loathed and feared the kinds of opposition to and controls on capitalism which were the substance of Lloyd George’s “liberal” reforms in England, reforms which were forming the very warp of the servile state in their restrictions upon individual economic liberty.”

“THE hard truth is, the first half of the present century has to be seen as the period in which everything Belloc shows us to have begun in the Reformation—creation of the propertyless masses and of the despotic national state—ripened.”

“IF the greatness of a book had to be assessed by the criterion of success in effecting large-scale changes in society, the The Servile State would have to be pronounced a failure. But, then, so would Aristotle’s Politics, More’s Utopia, Adam Smith’s (so often misunderstood) The Wealth of NationsThe Federalist—from whose republican, decentralist ideals we have fallen so far—Tocqueville’s Democracy in America, William Graham Sumner’s The Forgotten Man and Albert Jay Nock’s Our Enemy the State, to name of few over a long period of time. Happily, we do not measure classics by their power to effect major changes in governmental or economic policy. We do so, rather, by their perceived qualities of insight, wisdom, and idealism, and their capacity to illuminate reality, to point out the difference between the vital and the ephemeral, and to save us from sophistical beliefs. Great books are beacons. Even though despotism in its many forms were to spread farther across the world than it has, even if what Belloc called the servile state were to become total reality in America, we should still have in our libraries, I pray, those books which allow us to know the truth, to know what the requirements of a free society actually are. The Servile State is one of these books, and no one wholly acquainted with its contents could very easily be made, it seems to me, the willing, the complaisant subject of such a state.”

“I am not without hope that The Servile State, if it is read as widely and deeply as it should be read, may yet prove to be more than a classic; may prove to be a force in the transformation of society.”

© Liberty Fund, Inc. 1977

Monday, June 12, 2023

Brendon Lee O'Connell Patreon June 13, 2023

 192. CIA Case Officer Admits Mossad Mean & Nasty - Boo Hoo

This is the perfect example of the madness of the current news cycles. A hero of “the cliché left leaning latte sippers” of Washington (John Kiriakou), gives an inciteful and even amusing recounting of the arrogance of Israeli intelligence. Along the way, John, despite his amazing connections and analyst background, cannot even tell you that Israel is a “cyber technology juggernaught”. After taking that in, people like John Kiraikou cannot then tell you in their numerous speeches WHAT that means for the National Security state…as in…total fu**ing disaster.

These latte sipping cliché lefty feel good clowns from Georgetown (it rymes!), bleat on about human rights and how mean Israel is to “brown people” (aka semites), and nothing seems to change. Fancy that? 70 years of bleating on about “human rights” and the dissatisfied, sacked CIA employees, just cannot seem to explain the most basic in geo-politics that you and I get in a fu**ing Google News Alert. Are you sick of this yet?

Despite the extreme disappointment in the conga line of “experts”, wringing their sensitive feel good hands at guilt ridden retired DC state department audience gatherings, John Kiraikou’s chat is nonetheless instructive. Despite being given extreme deference and accommodation, Mossad in Israel, torment American targets because, “they can”. I have experienced all of this, and worse. Kay Griggs told us what else they get up to in the United States.

Of course, this is total suicide in the long run for the Israeli state, and former Mossad Case Officer Viktor Ovstrosky stated emphatically, that Mossad was not unified, and multiple ideological groups fought for dominance – just as multiple ideological groups fight for dominance of the I.C in America.

So, who are these “groups”? Groups that exhibit an EXTREME hatred for the United States and Americans? I mean, why do they so often bight the hand that feeds them? Maybe the people that dominate the higher echelons of Israeli politics, high technology, universities and finance have a deep, teeth grinding, hatred for the United States?

Israel's former Soviet immigrants transform adopted country


Israel to lure Soviet Jews from Germany


Why Russia Needs Israel


Why Russia should take over Israel's defense from America


An Emerging Alliance: Russia and Israel


Do you think the fact a huge number of Russians from the old Soviet system – and new Soviet system under Putin – are now running Israel, might have something to do with the arrogance and hatred for the United states? I mean, they have literally committed suicide, hardly furthering the Zionist cause when you think about it - and I urge you to think about it.

From the very birth of this colonial state, it’s original colonials and settlers were hard core Bolsheviks, keen to sing the praises of The Son Of The Nations Stalin.

'The USSR Is Our Second Homeland,' Said One Kibbutznik When Stalin Died


“Incredible as it might seem, Stalin’s Soviet Union was once at the center of Israeli identity.”
In fact, it is of interest to recall - incredible as it may seem - that Stalin's Soviet Union was once at the center of Israeli identity. In the first Knesset, the left-wing Mapam (United Workers Party ) was the second-largest faction, with 19 seats. During the debate over the makeup of the government that was held in the Knesset on March 10, 1949, one of Mapam's two leaders, Ya'akov Hazan of Kibbutz Mishmar Ha'emek, said: "For us, the Soviet Union is the fortress of world socialism, it is our second homeland, the socialist one." That comment could go down as one of the 10 most-quoted sentences in the history of Israeli politics.
"I was not happy when Hazan voiced that sentiment," wrote Meir Ya'ari, Mapam's senior leader, a year later, although he went on to describe the People's Republic of China as "a dictatorship that safeguards democracy there," adding: "This is the doctrine we have been nurturing for decades."
They were not the only ones harboring such sentiments, of course. David Ben-Gurion returned in 1923 from a visit to the Soviet Union and declared: "I am a Bolshevik." Moreover, many of this country's early inhabitants were Russian-born. They spoke Russian, read books and sang songs in Russian, and thought and dreamed in Russian.

The above article was from March 8, 2013. Have you ever seen the article pushed anywhere? I was one of the first to make a video around it, “Barbarians Inside The Gates”. 2018. I could not finish it. I had no money. Patreon would not work. I was being hacked continually. 

A white nationalist "kid" named 'Matthew North' took the video and tried to complete it. He went on to make an excellent video on Putin and Netanyahu. He committed suicide not to long later. He exposed many of the lies of one Adam Green. 

Matthew North also knew Joseph Davies well. The nephew of Fred Smith, Skull & Bones. Tapped twice for Secretary of Defense and close friend of George W. Bush.

KGB Infiltrated Highest Echelons of Israel’s Army, Business, and Political Leadership


Shin Bet Withheld Iran Secrets from Lieberman [Sec.Def Israel] as Security Risk


Like Putting the K.G.B. Into the Pentagon


The socialist/Bolshevik Labor Party of Israel was sure to let people know, if Jews will not ascend to Israel, they would make sure to terrorize them in their home countries until they knew what was best for them. Think about this every time you see some well publicized Jewish kid playing nazi.

“I shall not be ashamed to confess that if I had the power, as I have the will, I would select a score of efficient young men – intelligent, decent, devoted to our ideal and burning with desire to help redeem Jews – and I would send them to the countries where Jews are absorbed in sinful self-satisfaction. The task of these young men would be to disguise themselves as non-Jews, and plague these Jews with anti-Semitic slogans, such as ‘Bloody Jew,’ ‘Jews go to Palestine,’ and similar ‘intimacies’. I can vouch that the results in terms of considerable immigration to Israel from these countries, would be ten thousand times larger than the results brought by thousands of emissaries who have been, for decades, preaching to deaf ears.”
Editor ‘Sharun’
Editorial article in official newspaper of the governing Labour Party – “Davar”, Israel – July 11, 1952

Israel was and is, has always been, a Bolshevik Rothschild, Rockefeller founded and operated state. As surely as The Soviet Union was founded in 1917, so too the Bolsheviks poured into Palestine and New York. America is as occupied as Palestine and Gaza. As the song goes, from the great Leonard Cohen - first we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin.

Leonard Cohen - First We Take Manhattan (Official Video)


They sentenced me to twenty years of boredom
For tryin' to change the system from within
I'm coming now, I'm coming to reward them
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'm guided by a signal in the heavens
I'm guided by this birthmark on my skin
I'm guided by the beauty of our weapons
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'd really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station?
I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those

Ah you loved me as a loser, but now you're worried that I just might win
You know the way to stop me, but you don't have the discipline
How many nights I prayed for this, to let my work begin
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I don't like your fashion business, mister
And I don't like these drugs that keep you thin
I don't like what happened to my sister
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

I'd really like to live beside you, baby
I love your body and your spirit and your clothes
But you see that line there moving through the station?
I told you, I told you, told you, I was one of those
And I thank you for those items that you sent me
The monkey and the plywood violin
I practiced every night, now I'm ready
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

(I am guided)
Ah remember me, I used to live for music (baby)
Remember me, I brought your groceries in (ooh baby yeah)
Well it's Father's Day and everybody's wounded (baby)
First we take Manhattan, then we take Berlin

Whats the song about? (Thanks Leoni Rose)…

Cohen explained himself in a backstage interview at 1988:[4] "I think it means exactly what it says. It is a terrorist song. I think it's a response to terrorism. There's something about terrorism that I've always admired. The fact that there are no alibis or no compromises. That position is always very attractive. I don't like it when it's manifested on the physical plane – I don't really enjoy the terrorist activities – but Psychic Terrorism. I remember there was a great poem by Irving Layton that I once read, I'll give you a paraphrase of it. It was 'well, you guys blow up an occasional airline and kill a few children here and there', he says. 'But our terrorists, Jesus, Freud, Marx, Einstein. The whole world is still quaking.'"

Do you think the “well meaning” British efforts to create a small Jewish enclave in Palestine, were hijacked by a small group of hard core Soviet Bolsheviks? Funded and coddled by a parasitic internationalist banking and financial class in London, New York and Berne Switzerland?

How Secret Russian Spy Kim Philby Helped Set Up Israel


“A document uncovered by The Daily Beast shows that Soviet mole Kim Philby was hampering his British intelligence colleagues in their efforts to defeat the Zionist movement.”
“In recently declassified documents at the British National Archives at Kew in West London, the MI6 mole was deliberately disrupting the work of Sir Gyles and his colleagues who were left to chase faked or utterly implausible plots while very real and very deadly terror attacks took shape.”

Does that sound familiar? Fake and implausible plots? Being run in circles while the real terror attacks (911) were free to run unmolested?

“By that summer of 1946, Britain was struggling to hold onto a crumbling empire. Just a year later, it would at last relinquish India, “the jewel in the crown.” And its grip on Palestine, mandated after World War I, had become much more a curse than a blessing as Jews, mostly immigrated from Europe, struggled to establish an independent homeland, and Arabs marshalled their forces to prevent them.”
“All that gave the Russians enormous opportunities to inflict pain on those who would, in Churchill’s words, “defend freedom and democracy” from “the indefinite expansion of [Soviet] power and doctrines.”
“And Moscow could not have had a more perfect tool to weaken the British defenses than its man in London, MI6 section head and Russian mole H.A.R. “Kim” Philby, perhaps the most effective, and certainly the most legendary penetration agent in the annals of espionage.”

This parasite has infected every country, every intelligence outlet (including Mossad and KGB), every organized crime group, every think tank, every Round Table Group, every university, every police database, every military industrial contractor, every level of society and is currently in it’s final run for power. But it is not going so well for the Commies In Suits of The Frankfurt School. Is it Heinz?

My friend and mentor was Bernard Tandy. British Para. Enlisted January 1944. Was in command of the personal body guard of the Para Regimental Commander in Palestine. 1945-1947. This was at the height of the Stern and Irgun Gangs assassination program.

Bernard would recount how boat loads of European Jewish refugee’s from the Displaced Persons camps poured ashore on the beaches of Gaza. They were ordered to detain them, search for arms, and march them back to camps for deportation back to the rubble of Europe. Bernard told me they felt so sorry for them they would “accidentally” drop their weapons and make noise so they would know they were lying in wait for the groups. In return for numerous acts of kindness, British soldiers were routinely shot, gutted, mutilated, booby trapped, hung in tree’s. 

Finally, Stalin and The Bolsheviks won, and the British Empire went home.

If “The British” were “running things”, in a “perfect union” with Lord Jacob and those 13 Elite families of Europe, why could they not maintain their Empire and keep “good order” in Palestine as required under The Balfour Declaration you can see Bi Bi and Lord Jacob admiring with friends below…

Simple question?

If the “conspiracy” was so ordered, so cunning, so all encompassing, why have they still not formed The Federated States of Greater Israel? It was meant to be formed by the late 1930’s under Ben Gurion while Hitler mastered The United States of Europe (now called the EU), Stalin north Asia, Mao south Asia. The vast Eurasian land mass under the control of employees of The East India Trading Company. Forming large trading and military blocks. A most perfect Eurasian Economic Union. Oh look…just like this one…

Israel and Iran both set to join Russia-led free trade zone

After two rounds of negotiations, Jerusalem close to agreement with Eurasian Economic Union; separately, Tehran also set to sign deal ‘in the near future’


Now you know why US elites are in Ukraine, why weapons are being poured in, and why two US bases will be placed their permanently. Scott Ritter, Colonel MacGregor, Ron Unz and the perpetual money whore Ryan Dawson, will not be explaining this to you, ever. Neither will Whitney Webb, James Corbett and Ryan Cristhian of The Last American Vagabond.

The Peristroika Deception was never more true and Anatoli Golytzin was right. So was James Angleton, despite his glaring short falls and so was JFK, despite his glaring shortfalls. James Angleton’s dedicated tree planting area in Israel is a rubbish tip by the way.

So, I will end how I always end, Israel, Germany, Russia and China and Iran, acting as sub agents of The East India Trading Company, were making the final push of the Central Banking Cartel to get US elites into line and create a new multi polar world order.

The demoralization and subversion of the United States continues. The constant Israeli and Russia and Chinese use of trolls and bots and paid hacks. They are losing. And freedom will win from the grip of the Central Banking Cartel, but only if we do not go back to UBI, Smart City, Israeli food rationing app sleep…and people like John Kiraikou tell the fu**ing truth.

The Unlikely Origins of Russia’s Manifest Destiny

How an obscure academic and a marginalized philosopher captured the minds of the Kremlin and helped forge the new Russian nationalism.


Does the above image look so far fetched now?


First we take down Manhattan, then we take The Bunting Cloverleaf hub.